AWR Index

Amīn Makram Ubayd
Anonymous, Russian writers talking about Judaism, 2006
AWR Interviews
Bishop Tomas (Qūsīyah, Assuit)
Bomb attack at Abd al-Munim Riyad Street and al-Sayyidah Aisha mosque, Cairo, Egypt (2005)
Christian demonstrations
Declaring Bahā'īs and Bābis Kāfir
Discussion about a Muslim in a non-Muslim army fighting a Muslim country
Discussion about new press law
Discussions about Christmas, Easter and Coptic New Year
Discussions about political reform
Discussions about/claiming double facedness
El-Karma center for human development
Father Sergius (Revolution 1919)
Gabra, G. Be Thou There
Hunke, Sigrid (1913-1999)
Islam in society
Islamism at universities and other educational institutions
Jewish statements about being the chosen people
Kamāl al-Sanānirī
Kepel, Giles, Jihad the expansion and decline of Islamism (2000)
Ministry of Justice (Government)
Monastery of St. Mīnā
Monastic life
Muslim Brotherhood army
Muslims criticizing the behavior of other Muslims
Nāsir, Jamāl Abd al- (1952 – 1970), including articles about the 1952 revolution
Organizations working on Arab-West relations
Restoration of the Church Virgin Mary, Fayyum (1999)
Shukrī Mustafā
Women and education
Zaghlūl al-Najjār, Dr.
1997-Claims about House Being used as Church (Abū Tīj, Egypt)
2003-Injī Nājī Idwārd
al-Khālidī, Tarīf, Al-Masih al-Muslim
Ansār al-Sunnah
Authors comparing issues in Islam and Christianity
Beauty contests (harām)
Bishop Bimoua (Monastery of al-Khaṭāṭbah /Mar Girgis)
Coptic Orthodox retreat centers
Demonstrations of Christians during and after the Arab Spring (2011 - )
Developments in Christianity in the Arab/Islamic World
Discussion about Pan-arabism
Discussions about a law permitting wives to travel abroad
Discussions about the Holocaust
Discussions about the signs of Doomsday/Heaven
Dr. Yūsuf al-Qaradāwī
Egyptian Association for Human Rights
Father Yousab of Dayr Abū Hinnis
Ḥizb al-Waṭan [Watan Party]
Ḥassan, S. S. Christians versus Muslims in Modern Egypt,
Immigrant Communities in the Arab World
Kepel, Giles, The war for Muslim Minds: Islam and the West (2005)
Khayrat al-Shātir
Lewis, Bernard (1916-)
Links between Egyptian/Arab Islamists with Afghanistan
Ministry of Local development
Monastery of St. Bola
Monk Antonius al-Georgy, Monastery of Khatātbah (1999)
Muhammad Shahrīr (The book of the Qur'ān)
Nilus, S. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Ramzī Zaqlamah
Rebuilding the Coptic Catholic Church in Hijazah village (Qena, 1999)
Repairing of the Church of St. Mary in Abu al-Hadar, Dayrut, Assiut (1997)
Repairing, Expanding, and Building Houses of Worship
Sādāt, Muhammad Anwar (1970 – 1981)
Shaykh Abd al-Mutʿāl al-Saīdī (religious freedom in Islam)
Shaykh Rifāʿah Ahmad Tāhā
The murder of Dutch TV-producer van Gogh (2004)
The Muslim Brotherhood and discussions about Fārūq Husnī (statement about the hijāb, 2006)
West Africa
Women travelling abroad without husband's permission
2003-Anwar Ṣidqī Rātib (Dayrūṭ)
Ahmad al-Shahāwī (Wasīyah fi Ishq al-Nisā)
al-Saqqā, Ahmad Hijāzī, Naqd al-Tawrāh,
Armed Islamic Group (GIA)
Articles praising the Muslim Brotherhood
Assassination of Rafīq Harīrī (2005)
Bishop Sawiris (Muharraq monastery)
Coptic Orthodox Churches
Defending a person accused of spying
Discussions about demonstrations
Discussions about the image and unity of Islam
Discussions about the personal status law
Discussions about violence, terrorism in society
Ḥizb al-Asāla [Authenticity Party] (Egypt)
Hopkins, N.S, Upper Egypt, Life along the Nile
Human Rights Legal Aid (HRLA)
Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs
Monastery of St. Samū'īl (Red Sea)
Monk Barsoum al-Muharraqī (Ādil Sad Allāh Ghubriyāl) (2001)
Mubārak, Muhammad Husnī (1981-1991)
