AWR Index

Bishop Maximos (Banhā)
Dalrymple, William, From the Holy Mountain, A journey in the shadow of Byzantium
Discussions about unifying the call to prayer
Dr. Abd al-Mutī Bayyūmī (Muslim thinker)
Explosions in Amman, Jordan (2005)
Fatwās about Muslim-Christian relations
Internet Links (Coptic Church)
Islamic Action Front (IAF)
January 25 Revolution (2011)
McClellan, M. Monasticism in Egypt
Men and women shaking hands
Mukhtār Nūh
New church in Marina, Alexandria (2000)
Schimmel, Annemarie (1922-2003)
Sharīf, Mustafā, L’islam, tolerant ou intolerant? (2006)
State Information Service
Traditional ways of healing
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
1999- Land Dispute (Abū Tīj, Asyūṭ, Egypt)
2004-Wafāʾ Qusṭanṭīn
Aden Abyan Islamic Army
Bahrām Bidā'ī (Iran)
Bishop Serabamun (Cairo)
closing a church in Sharm al-Shaykh (2000)
Conversion From Islam
Dā'ūd, Abd al-Ahad, Muhammad in the Holy Book
Dahab, Egypt (April, 2006)
Dr. Nimat Ahmad Fu'ād
Fatwas on Islam and art
Islam and science
Meinardus, O. Two Thousand Years of Coptic Christianity
Organizations advocating Muslim-Christian understanding and cooperation
Relations with other churches
Sayyid Qutb
Smith, Jane, Islam in America (1999)
Steinschneider, Mortiz (1816-1907)
Weapons-problems with people having weapons
1998-2000-al-Kushḥ Incidents
2004-Asyūṭ NDP Official Accused of Forcing Christians to Convert
Attack on a group of tourists in Amman, Jordan (September 2006)
Bishop Ghabriel (Beni Suef 2000-)
Books referring to Muslim-Christian relations
Dafash, Qusiyah, Assiut (2000)
Discussions about sex education amongst the youth
Dr. Abd al-Sabūr Shāhin (Abī Adam/My father Adam)
Dr. Mahmūd Himya (Muslim thinker)
Environmental issues
Fu'ād, M. The way of pain, sectarian strife from a Coptic point of view
Inappropriate behavior of religious people/marriage of priests
Islamic Salvation Front (FIS)
Life Insurance and Islamic life insurance
Meinardus, O. Christian Egypt; Faith and Life
Non-Arab countries
Steppat, Fritz (1923-2006)
Steppat, Fritz, Islam as a partner (2001)
Tāriq Ramadān
Thekra Mohammad Abdullah Al-dali
1999-Appropriation of Land from Upper Egyptian Christian Farmer
2004-Nādiyya Ṣamūʾīl ʿAṭiyya
Attempted terrorist attack in Sinai (September 2006)
Authors that have been criticized for violating religious or social norms
Bishop Daniel (Maādī)
Discussions about applying hudūd
Discussions about using religious slogans as trade marks
Dr. Saʿd Zaghlūl
Evangelical Church of Abu Hammad al-Sharqiyah (Restoration stopped 2000)
Fahmī Huwaydī
Goddard, Hugh, Muslim perceptions of Christianity
Islamist Lawyer's Front Association (1986)
Khālid Dūrān (The seed of Abraham)
Killing terrorists
Miftāh, R. The Coptic Orthodox Liturgy of St. Basil
Watson, John, Listening to Islam (2005)
Watt, William Montgomery, Dr. (1909-2006)
1999-Bishop Makāriyyūs of Sinai's Car Accident
2004-Marwā Nassīm Faraj
author unknown,The New Crusader War
Bishop Aghabious (Dayr Muwās)
Disputes between Muslims and Christians over the church in Izbat al-Kharwa Khurshid, Alexandria (2000)
Dr. Muhammad Fattūh (2007)
Fatwas on male and female circumcision
Hanna, Mīlād, Acceptance of the other
Jund Allāh
Muhammad ʿImārah, Dr.
Perry, P. Jesus in Egypt
Philosophy of Islam
Using jokes as a way of expression
Violence and militant attacks in Algeria
1999-Attack on Father Bisāda Iskārūs (Dayrūṭ, Egypt)
2005-Eva Thomas Faḥmī Asad
Author unknown, Islam, the West and the Possibility of Dialogue
Bishop Aghathūn (Marāghah)
Discussions about demonstrations in houses of worship
Dr. Safināz Kāzim
Faraj Fūdah (1946-1992)
Islamic National Front
Marriage in Islam (different forms)
