Aphabetical list of persons biographies in AWR

Please note that the majority of the biographies date from 2007 so some data may be outdated.

Person Name / (title) (click to access articles associated with this person) Description
Abū ʿAlī al-Manṣūr al-Ḥākim bi-Amr Allāh (Caliph)

6th Fatimid Caliph of the 11th Century

Abul Dahab
Abul Faraj Al Isbahani
Abūllū [Apollo] (Bishop of Tūr Sīnāʾ)
Abūnā al-Qummus Jabrāʾīl ʿAbd al-Masīḥ

Killed in the incidents of al-Kushḥ / Sohag (January 2000)

Adam (religious figure/prophet)
Adam Entous
Adam Hannestad

Danish journalist

Adam Shapiro
Ādam Yahyā
Adam Yūnis‎

spokesperson for foreign students at al-Azhar , Egypt

Adam ‘Adan

 al- Qaeda leader

Addula Andrew

Southern Sudanese woman and sister of Angelo Andrew, was arrested in her home village in South Sudan along with several other women by the SPLA in January 1991.

Adel Ghorbal
Adel Guindy

An author at the American Thinker.

Adel Theodore Khoury [ʿĀdil Khūrī] (Prof.)

German-Lebanese professor

Adīb Najīb Salāma


Adil Sādallah Ghobrial
Adil Līyūn Wahīb
Adlī Husayn (governor)

governor of Qalyūbīyah
