Aphabetical list of persons biographies in AWR

Please note that the majority of the biographies date from 2007 so some data may be outdated.

Person Name / (title) (click to access articles associated with this person) Description
Abraham W. Michael
Abrāhām ʿAzmī [Father Abraham Azmi] (official media spokesperson of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United States)

Abrāhām ʿAzmī is an international Media Officer and official media spokesman of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the USA. He is known for very positive statements about Pope Tawadrus and moreover stated that the Pope has a special diplomatic status in the world. 

Abrahām‎ (Metropolitan Bishop)
Abrām‎ (Father)
Abrār Al-Ghannām
Abū al- Faḑl (Egyptian Bahāʾī figure) [Mizra Abu'l-Fadl]

Abū al- Faḑl (1844-1914, born in Iran) was a Bahāʾī scholar who spread the faith in Egypt starting in approximately 1910. Moreover, he went to Turkmenistan and the United States, where he also introduced people to Bahāʾī principles. Even though he is one of the apostels of Bahá'u'lláh, he never actually met him. As his actual name Muhammad reveals, he derived from a Muslim family and converted to Bahāʾī faith in 1876. Due to his conversion, he was arrested several times. 



Abū al-Abbās Muḥamma

journalist for Al-Dustur

Abū al-Barāʿa al-Miṣrī

Abū al-Barāʿa al-Miṣrī is a member of ISIS and responsible for the bombing of St. Mark's Church in Alexandria, also related to as Palm Sunday Bombings from 2017. He was born in Kafr al-Shaykh on December 13, 1974. He has a polytechnic diploma. Furthermore, he is married with three children. He went to Syria on August 15, 2013, then went to Libanon and afterwards returned to Syria according to al-'Arabiya.


Abū al-Ḥasan al-Shāzlī
Abū al-Ḥassan ʿAlī Ḥassanī Nadwī

Shaikh Abu al Hasan Ali Husaini Nadwi (24 November 1914 - 31 December 1999) was an Indian islamic scholar 

Abū al-Ḥussayn ʿAsākir al-Dīn Muslim ibn al-Ḥajjāj ibn Muslim ibn Ward ibn Kawshādh al-Qushayrī al-Naysābūrī (Al-Muslim)

9 Century C.E. Persian Islamic scholar and muhaddith, best known for his compilation "Sahih Muslim" one of the six major canonical hadith collections recognized in Sunni Islam.

Abū al-Makārim

12th Century Arab historian; Famous for his "History of Churches and Monasteries"

Abu al-Matameer
Abū al-Walīd Muḥammad Ibn Rushd al-Qurtubī [Averroes]

12th Century Andalusian Muslim Philosopher; Author

Abū al-ʿAlā Māḍī

Former leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood; Assistant secretary general of the Engineering Syndicate; Founding member of the Wasaṭ Party


Abū Bakr (Caliph)
Abū Bakr al-Baghdādī (ISIL/ISIS/Dāʿish Leader)

ISIL Leader. 

Abū Bakr al-Jindī

General Abū Bakr al-Jindī, born on January 20, 1949, is the current egyptian Minister of Local Development. He has a master degree in Strategic Resource Management and Military Sciences, and gratuated from High War College in Cairo, as well from National Defense University in Washington. Moreover, Abū Bakr al-Jindī occupies senior posts in the Egyptian Armed Forces Training Authority. He also served as the head of the US Department of Defense's US Relations Branch, the Assistant Defense Attaché in Washington, and then Assistant Secretary of Defense. Due to his military commitment, he was awarded several times.


Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Isḥāq ibn Khuzayma (Ibn Khuzaymah)

Scholar of Islamic fiqh from the Shafi'i school. Best known for his collection of hadith entitled Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah.

Abū Bakr Shawqī

Abū Bakr Shawqī is an Egyptian-Australian writer and director. His most known works are his feature on Yommedine or Things I Heard on Wednesdays.
