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His Holiness Pope Tawāḍrūs II, Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church, denied that the Church had handed over the two monks accused of killing the head of the St. Macarius Monastery [Dayr Abū Maqār], bishop Epiphanius [Ipīphāniyyūs], as a scapegoat for their execution.
The Coptic Orthodox Church issued an official statement published in al-Kirāza Magazine about the execution of Wāʾil Saʿd (formerly known as Monk Ashʿiyāʾ al-Maqārī) for killing Bishop Epiphanius [Epīphāniyyūs], head of St. Macarius Monastery [dayr Abū Maqār].
A campaign called “ Stop the Death Penalty in Egypt ” called for a presidential pardon for Wāʾil Saʿad Tawāḍrūs to stop the execution issued against him in the case of the murder of Bishop Apīphāniyūs head of the Anbā Abū Maqār Monastery.
The “Stop the Death Penalty in Egypt” Facebook page run by the Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms (ECRF) has launched a new campaign entitled “Life for Monk Ashʿiyāʾ,” demanding a presidential pardon for Wāʾil Saʿad Tawāḍrūs.  Tawāḍrūs was convicted of murdering Bishop Epiphanius [...
St. Macarius Monastery [dayr Abū Maqār] in Wādī al-Naṭrūn announced the passing of Fr. Bāsīliyūs al-Maqārī, one of Mattā al-Miskīn’s most famous students, after suffering from age-related diseases and not the Coronavirus. 
The Arabic Network learned that the Orthodox Church in Egypt forced the new monks to sign pledges to ban the use of telephone and social networking sites.
Within the Coptic Orthodox Church lies a controversial issue: whether to remain strict in the separation of the Church from other churches since the Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD, or to open a real dialogue with other communities in order to overcome the differences of the past 16 centuries. 
A group of reporters and journalists have visited St. Makarius monastery in the Western Desert to show their condemnation over the government’s sale of the land to investors, despite the fact that it may contain items of substantial archaeological worth.
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