Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
Press releases in Egyptian newspapers last week highlighted the repercussions to the conference on citizenship that was organized by the National Council for Human Rights. Many reporters considered the conference to be one of a long queue of intellectual fruitless gatherings.
At a time when the Egyptian press market was still discussing the aftermath of the State Security Prosecution’s interrogation of an independent journalist on charges of spreading rumors about the president’s health, a new wave of anger stormed Egyptian society after a misdemeanor court sentenced...
Recent statements made by the US administration, denouncing the scandal [refers to assaulting demonstrators] of the amendment of article 76 of the constitution, has put the government in a predicament after Washington called for bringing to trial the persons who assaulted the demonstrators...
The article deals with the issue of imprisonment of journalists, namely Ibrāhīm ‘Īsā, the former editor-in-chief of the independent newspaper al-Dustūr, as the author suggests that the government is partially in favor of jailing independent and partisan journalists.
This article discusses the sequestration of foreign newspapers in Egypt, in the light of the decision to ban three foreign newspapers accused of offending Islam.
In an exclusive statement to al-Dustour, the general guide of the Muslim Brotherhood has announced that "the group sees no problem with building churches." Member of the Irshād [guidance] Office, Dr. Mahmoud ‘Izzat has argued that "People of the Book" are entitled to have their own houses of...
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