Displaying 51 - 60 of 70.
The author explains that disputes among Muslims are negatively affecting Islamic unity. These disputes are the result of two widespread misconceptions. The first is taqiyā and the second is the extreme sanctification of imāms.
Recently a Calcutta court has lifted a ban, imposed by the Bangladeshi authorities, on a book by Taslima Nasrin. The Bangladeshi court considered the book offensive to Muslims.
Khomeini’s Iran, the Taliban’s Afghanistan, Nimeiri’s Sudan and several other countries have claimed to be ruled according to Islam. Yet such ’Islamic’ rule merely led to backwardness and oppression. The elite in Egypt are terrified by the idea that a theocracy Egypt would bring a whirlpool of...
Husayn ‘Abd al-Wāhid argues that though westerners condemn terrorism, they turn a blind eye to non-Muslim extremists, such American Evangelical, Pat Robertson, who called for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
Radical Islamists have not only settled for censorship in their fight against intellectuals, but have issued fatwas, sentencing to death thinkers with whom they disagree. Intellectuals across the Muslim world have been attacked or assassinated in accordance with these fatwas.
The current winds of change in the Middle East is a welcome whiff of fresh air in the region, but the hasty promotion of democracy, could plunge the region deeper into the “dark side”, bringing the Moslem Brotherhood to power in Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and elsewhere. While some in Washington are...
Westerners did not learn the old lesson when they provided a shelter for the inhuman wolves in their war against communism in Afghanistan. They did not learn from giving shelter to fugitives from justice in Egypt who planned black terrorism, in spite of president Husnī Mubārak’s continuous appeals...
Generally, non-Muslims living on Arab Muslim lands are radically denied the dignity of the citizen. They are excluded from the process of decision making at all levels. Their rights are denied, or at least severely restricted, in occupying positions of senior (’sovereign’) ministries or prime-...
The author sheds light upon the importance of human relations with regards to the Palestinian resistance and the Palestinian people, stressing the psychological suffering that the Palestinian families go through when they lose loved ones because of suicide operations [with comments].
As an Iranian now living in a liberal democracy, I would like to explain why Islam and democracy are essentially incompatible. Democracy is based on one fundamental principle: equality. The idea of equality is unacceptable to Islam. For the non-believer cannot be the equal of the believer. Even...


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