Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
Father Marqus ‘Azīz calls for an apology from Rajab Hilāl Ḥamīdah for his provocative declarations that were interpreted as an invitation to kill Copts.
As he has resigned from al-Ghad Party, Archpriest Marqus ‘Azīz Khalīl justified his action to reject a number of the party’s Secretary-general Rajab Hilāl Humaydah’s articles which Khalīl considers improper and supporting sectarianism.
The general guide of the Muslim Brotherhood passed away on November 14, 2002. His funeral showed the powerful existence of the Brotherhood. Leaders of the group canceled a meeting to chose a successor for him to avoid being arrested because of ?violating the laws by participating in an...
Al-Usbua published a file opposing Saad Eddin Ibrahim’s plans to monitor the coming elections under the title "No to dubious supervision. No to interference in Egypt’s affairs."
The military court extended the detention of five fundamentalist members of the Jihad and the Gama´a Al-Islamiya groups. On other hand, the Brotherhood decided not to nominate their prominent leader, Seif Al-Islam, in the coming sub-election in Cairo.
Ahmad Sābir, head of the Egypt Salvation Front Abroad, responds angrily to Ayman Nour’s recent dismissal of several key members of the Ghad Party.
The article discusses the issue of the right of Coptic writers to raise an Islamic subject and vice versa. The issue surfaced after the article which Christian journalist Mofied Fawzy allegedly wrote about Sheikh Amr Khaled.
Egyptian MP, Rajab Hilāl Himīda, made a shocking statement in a parliamentary session claiming that the Qur’ān incites terrorism.
A bill that regulates NGO activities has been approved in principle by the People’s Assembly. The bill faced severe criticism, with independent and opposition deputies arguing that the bill was at the expense of civil rights and political freedoms because it obstructs the formation of certain NGOs...
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