Displaying 21 - 30 of 34.
Mohammed Abdel Moniem conducted a study about the influence of religion on human beings and their behavior, mind and psychology. He said that man realized from the very beginning of life that he will feel comfortable by having faith in something. And if he loses faith he will feel this article...
We have sadly followed the bloody incidents of Al-Kosheh. I oppose the opinions referring the incidents to external factors. In my opinion, the main reason for this and other incidents is divided into many factors...
There are some six million Muslims living in the USA yet a "must-read" American columnist writes: "... it is sad and sorry at the same time that we rarely hear the voices of Muslim Americans protesting against terrorist actions taking place here and there, or declaring their protest against the...
A few days ago, President Mubarak sent the draft of the Procedure law in Personal Status law cases to the Shura Council to discuss it before forwarding it to the People’s Assembly. The draft of the new law which has been drawn up with careful consultation with various bodies, particularly the Al-...
Naguib Sawiris appeared for over an hour in interview on the program "Belaa Hudoud" (Without Limits) on the Qatar-based Jazeera satellite TV station, discussing the emergence of the new business class and their political influence - burning questions that are widely aired in the press but never...
At a press conference that was held by the New York Council of Churches, Drs. Cornelis Hulsman presented a report in which he mentioned that a delegation from the New York Council of Churches visited Egypt last March. The members of this delegation discovered that there is no religious persecution...
Iranian radicals painted a mural of Khaled Islambouli, the officer who killed Sadat during the military parade on October 6, 1981. Egyptians are not pleased.
As the furor surrounding Law 153/99 for civil associations dies down following its ratification, everyone has settled down to wait for the executive regulations describing its implementation. "With any law, the way that it’s implemented is much more important than what’s theoretically written in...
A symposium was held in Rose El-Youssef discussing Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim and his Center. Dr Ibrahim responded to what he saw as misunderstandings held by the editors and journalists concerning his Center.
What about converting young Coptic girls!? There are some people who work really hard to defame Egypt. They twist the truth and try to show that Egypt is an ugly false country.


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