Displaying 21 - 27 of 27.
In every age and place there are men for sale... who are ready to sell their honor and conscience...but to sell their country and Church this is disgusting... and to sell their country and Church to who? This is more and more disgusting. The respectable family of Zaqlamah is not the only family...
Vizirs and artisans, skilled craftsmen of states and cities, Egypt’s Armenians have ensured their community’s survival - and kept its history alive.
Teachers of history in Egyptian universities affirmed the prominent role played by the Coptic Church in national liberation movements.
Dr. Ayman Nour of the Wafd Party invited Lord Alton to visit Egypt to see everything by himself, but he refused. However, he agreed on holding a debate with Dr. Nour in London and it will televised through one of the television channels.
Canceling its first rejection, the Sunday Telegraph agreed to publish the statement of the Egyptian Coptic education-investor Reda Edward which refuted the paper’s allegations of Copts’ persecution in Egypt. The paper accepted the statement in a form of paid advertisement.
The conspiring motives of the Sunday Telegraph’s campaign against Egypt are being revealed day after day. The British-American-Zionist attempts to trigger a ’Coptic Issue’ in Egypt, referring to Copts as a persecuted minority, is a way to implement the religious persecution law recently approved by...
People’s Assembly members have condemned some foreign papers and radio networks for the allegations of Coptic persecution in Egypt. They said there are planned conspiracies to harm Egypt and its people and hinder the outstanding developments in all fields as well as [to harm] Middle East peace...


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