Displaying 11 - 20 of 42.
‘Arif al-Dubays comments on Ṭanṭāwī’s contradictory decisions.
‘Ārif al-Dubays writes a profile about Bishop Bīshūy.
‘Ārif al-Dubays attempts to answer the question about who the apostate Christian is from the Christian point of view.
For three successive weeks, interest in Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ? secured it a considerable space in Egyptian press. AWR provides you with a list of articles about the film from various perspectives.
The author wonders how security forces can chase Islamic preachers and break demonstrations at mosques, while allowing Copts to gather for a rally without intervention.
Muslims and Christian put the Virgin Mary in the highest rank among women. Many Qur’ ānic verses and hadīth refer to this fact.
A few days ago, Father Mattā al-Miskīn [Matthew the poor] passed away at the age of 87, leaving behind a legacy of books on monastic life. In his book, al-Kanīsa wa al-Dawla [The church and the state], Father al -Miskīn warned against sowing sedition between Muslims and Christians in Egypt,...
The author interviews two Christians, Dr. Girgis Kāmil Yousif and Jamāl As‘ad ‘Abd al-Malāk, on the phenomenon of the banning of books inside the Orthodox Church in Egypt.
The author wonders why attacks target only Orthodox churches and not Catholic or Evangelical churches in Egypt.
Patriarch Stefanos’s resignation and the election of a new patriarch reflect the democratic climate the Catholic Church in Egypt is enjoying, contrary to other churches in Egypt.


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