Displaying 11 - 20 of 43.
The article discussions the furor that was caused by a document that allegedly showed how the U.S. was funneling aid into Christian organizations, and how the reporting on the issue help to stir up a media tempest.
The following article presents a critique of media outlets and how they help to fuel the flames of sectarian sedition, spreading rumors before first validating their facts.
A new Congress document was announced that showed the U.S. intentions to allocate special funds to Coptic organizations in Egypt. The American initiative sparked pretexts in Muslims and Christians alike as an attempt to American interference in Egyptian internal affairs.
The article discusses the rumors surrounding a document issued by U.S. AID regarding their annual aid to Egypt. It addresses the belief that the U.S. aid is being funnelled into areas with a Coptic majority.
The following lines present information about U.S. Aid to Egypt from the 1970s until now and observe the main goals of the aids throughout their history.
Two events led Al-Usboa, Al-Arabi and Watani to comment on the issue of democracy and the American intervention in the domestic affairs of Egypt. These events are the decision of the US Senate to allocate $2 million, cut from the American aid to Egypt, to Saad Eddin Ibrahim and his Ibn Khaldoun...
The three papers published eight articles concerning human rights activists and centers. Al-Wafd dedicates four articles to discussing the idea of establishing a new national council for human rights. Two articles in Al-Arabi and Al-Ahrar are concerned with the same idea. Moreover, Al-Ahrar...
A number of European and American organizations have decided to fund Egyptian NGOs and human rights organizations concerned with development issues.
Dr. Sa‘d al-Dīn Ibrāhīm was investigated because of his defence of the Muslim Brotherhood and for the series of articles he wrote for an Egyptian daily titled "The Ugly American."


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