Displaying 61 - 70 of 347.
This report is on the formation of the Egyptian Constitution of 2012 and was commissioned by the German organization Missio who translated it into German for publication in Germany.
This interview was organized by Diana Serôdio and took place on February 23th 2013. It aimed at grasping George Masīḥa's perspective - as former Parliament and Constituent Assembly member - on the process through which the new Constitution came into being so it would be taken into account for a...
In a meeting with Dr. Amr Darrag ('Amr Darrāj), Secretary General of the Constituent Assembly, he mentioned that members of the Constituent Assembly signed texts after they had been agreed upon. Please see hereby a link to a document dated October 3, 2012, with the signatures of key members of the...
 The Parliamentary Elections in Egypt are planned for the people, but the exact date is yet to be announced by President Muḥammad Mursī
On February 20, 2013, Cornelis Hulsman, Diana Serodio, and Jayson Casper met with George Masīḥah to gain his perspective for an upcoming book Arab West Report will write on the crafting of the Egyptian constitution. Masīḥah is a member of al-Wafd Party and was added to the Constituent Assembly as a...
Transcript of an interview with Dr. Essam Al-Haddad on government efforts to stabilize the country since this is a pre-requisite to get Egypt out of its current economic difficulties. Thus questions addressed much repeated critiques on the Mursī administration.
On February 4 the International Crisis Group presented a Conflict Alert about Egypt. The analysis is good but yet some comments can and should be made:ICG:It is difficult to know which is most dangerous: the serious uptick in street violence; President Morsi’s and the Muslim Brotherhood’s serial...
In October 2012 Arab-West Report organized for the Dutch political parties VVD (liberal) and CDA (Christian Democrat) a visit of representatives of five Egyptian political parties to The Netherlands in the context of the MATRA South Programme of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs that is...
This meeting took place in a hotel on December 12, 2012, only days before the referendum on December 15. The text in this report has been approved by both the SGP delegation and Dr. George Missīhah.
On December 10, an SGP delegation met with Coptic Orthodox Bishop Musa about the draft Constitution and the place of Christians in Egypt. Michael Burslem did the language editing of this text and placed some comments. This text was sent to the SGP delegation for approval. Bishop Mūsā, however,...


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