Displaying 21 - 28 of 28.
  Mu’taz Muhammad Mahmūd, representative of the Freedom Party’s parliamentary body, said that 50 percent of the constituent assembly should be from parliament and the other 50 percent from outside parliament. He pointed out that there are at least 50 members of the People’s Assembly and the Shurá...
Hilmī Murād, the Reformation and Development Party (RDP)’s leader, has said that the constituent assembly should be composed of 30 members of parliament (MPs), 50 figures selected from among women, judges and Copts, and 20 public figures. The article has no link online
  Dr. Zīyād Bahā’ al-Dīn, representative of the Egyptian Social Democratic Party (ESDP)’s parliamentary body, said that the percentage of members of parliament (MPs) in the constituent assembly should not exceed 25%, so that other members of the community have a chance to be represented in the...
In Tahrīr and in squares throughout the nation, Egyptians once again filled public space. In fact, by appearances they did so in greater numbers than at the height of the January 25 revolution which deposed President Mubārak. What is not clear altogether is why they were there, or who they...
This text was first published in Christianity Today on January 23, 2012. Please click here for the link. Egypt’s parliamentary elections are over. While noting irregularities, former US president Jimmy Carter, through his Carter Center for promoting democracy, has judged the elections to be “...
Shaykh Hamdī ‘Abd al-Fattāh is a unique personality in Egypt. Little known outside of his home region of Maghagha in Upper Egypt, he is a candidate for parliament running under the banner of the Salafi Nour Party. In and of itself, there is nothing unusual here – the Nour Party has searched for and...
[This is a full transcript of an interview made on December 2, 2011] The results of the first round of the Egyptian elections show that Islamist parties appear to have won by a landslide. The Muslim Brotherhood created the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) that has apparently received 40-45 percent...
This article addresses the National Council for Human Rights in Egypt and its 6 years in existence, as well as its future goals and plans. The Council has grown from its inception, but it still struggles with issues concerning how it is viewed by the public. The Council is seen as simply being a...


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