Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
The Israeli-Gaza conflict is part of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which is a conflict fueled by conflicting ideologies and beliefs. Many religious Zionists base their political claims on Biblical prophesies such as Amos 9: 8-15, which promises the restoration of Israel. How can one read a text...
The ninth Islamic Conference concluded its summit in Doha with a long detailed statement including a call to end all types of normalization with Israel, economic aid for the Palestinians and a lifting of sanctions on Iraq. The most surprising outcome of the summit was a break of hostility...
The Egyptian Administrative Court postponed a hearing in the lawsuit filed by a Coptic attorney, demanding the redemption of the Egyptian Deir Al-Sultan in eastern Jerusalem and handing it over to the Coptic Orthodox Church, to a court session on May 5.
Palestinian President, Yasser Arafat is expected to meet with the Prime Minister of Greece in Athens to discuss the issue of the Arab-Greek conflict inside the Orthodox Church in Palestine and Jordan; amidst news regarding the Russian mafia entering the conflict arena among the candidates to win...
The General Secretary of the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights announced his willingness to resign from his post as deputy head of the International Federal Assembly for Human Rights if this post forces him to normalize relations with Israel or with any Israeli organization that is a member...
Israel’s Supreme Court ordered on November 14 that a huge shrine be removed from the grave site of Baruch Goldstein, the US-born Jewish settler who massacred 29 Palestinians in the West Bank city of Hebron in 1994.
Before Israel released the first group of Palestinian prisoners in accordance with the revised Wye River accord, the Israeli Supreme Court’s ruled that the interrogation methods employed Israel’s Shin Bet security agency constituted torture and were thus illegal. The article concludes that the...
Israeli militants are raising funds to rebuild a Jewish temple on a site now occupied by Al Aqsa Mosque in east Jerusalem, the Haaretz newspaper reported on Tuesday. The Jewish radicals held a secret fund-raising meeting in a Jerusalem hotel several weeks ago and plan to hold further conferences to...
In an exclusive interview, Pope Shenouda III speaks frankly to Al-Ahram Weekly about the national role of the Church, the new draft Personal Status law, and other controversial issues.
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