Displaying 61 - 70 of 95.
This article looks at a new grassroots movement among the Coptic Diaspora which was established in Washington this past weekend. Almost 100 Coptic Christian community organizers from around the globe gathered to discuss religious freedom in the Middle East and future lobbying efforts for the rights...
This article outlines Sidhom’s concerns regarding the 2010 report by the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) in relation to sectarian incidents in the past two years. He criticizes the report for not giving enough viable ways in which to alleviate the current situation of sectarian...
Youssef Sidhom continues to review the “Sectarian violence throughout two years”, recently issued by the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR). On the whole the EIPR concludes that the state has no clear means to control these incidents, for the government denies that sectarian violence is...
This article outlines the study published by the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights in which they consider the topic of freedoms, most specifically religious freedom. They find that there has been an overall deterioration of social stability in many of the Egyptian governorates. Revenge...
This article reports on the current situation in ‘Izbat Bushrá, which witnessed two sectarian incidents in 2008 and 2009. The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights accuses the Security of inducing the incidents.
Edited by: Cornelis Hulsman, Editor-in-chief Arab-West Report, Clare Turner, academic language editor CIDTAn in depth report into 13 human rights organizations in Egypt, written with a view to creating a network with some of these organizations with a particular focus on issues of mutual interest...
The Manager of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Status Husām Bahjat criticizes the state's reaction towards the late incidents of Nagj‘ Hammādī. He believes they failed to deal wisely with the incidents either before or after they erupted.    
Osama al-Ghazoly is a seasoned journalist who we asked to evaluate the media discourse on Izbet Bushra, paying special attention to coverage given to expatriate Coptic websites. Since some of these websites make reference to human rights reports produced in Egypt, Osama has also involved these...
Hulsman wrote an article about the shooting in Upper Egypt for the Reformatorisch Dagblad. The church editor changed it substantially and added material from other sources. Hulsman has, therefore, added some comments in the text. Hulsman also gave a radio interview on January 7 to the Dutch radio 1...


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