Displaying 11 - 20 of 32.
The recent suicides of three inmates at the U.S. base in Guantanamo, Cuba, are regarded by many as a stain on the human rights record of the United States.
Canadian police have arrested 17 terror suspects on charges of planning attacks on a number of buildings in Canada. In Britain, anti-terrorist police hunted for a “dirty” chemical device that they say terrorists could use in attack in the United Kingdom. In Washington, the U.S. Department of...
The fatwa of Dr. Mohammed Selim Al-Awa, Dr. Youssef Al-Qaradawi and others which allows American Muslims to take part in the American attacks against Afghanistan was described by some people as a new crusade. It contradicts the other fatwas, each of which relies on some religious, political and...
The imam of the American-Muslim military men believes that there is no contradiction in his being a Muslim and a loyal soldier in the American army. In the Friday sermons, he concentrates on devotion to work. He also condemned the terrorist attacks of September 11.
Dr. Nasr Abu Zayd is upset about the media debate on Islam in the West. Abu Zayd rejects the view that Islam should be held responsible for extremist attacks. The political discourse as reflected in Western media did not mind its language. The media debate on Islam is getting more entrapped in the...
The guide of the American-Muslim military men asked about their legal stand with regard to participating in the American attacks against Afghanistan, especially as the party which they are supposed to fight against is Muslim. Sheikh Youssef Al-Qaradawi, Counselor Tareq Al-Bishri and Dr. Sileem Al-...
The article gives information about the geography and demography of Afghanistan and its economic indicators. This is in addition to a historical background that has to do with the Soviet occupation, the civil war and the Taliban government.
Experts on Islam believe that if the U.S. response to terrorist attacks is perceived in Islamic countries as a war against their religion, support could unravel the international coalition needed to wage a successful war on terrorism. An internationally recognized scholar of Islam and a law...
The news of the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were the talk of the day in Egypt. I have not interviewed any people but just took notes when people were speaking about the attacks. These notes are given here.
Muslims working in the Pentagon expressed their anger at the fact that Rev. Franklin Graham, who described Islam as an evil religion, has been invited to give a sermon on


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