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The article is a response to questions received by AWR in 2003 from different Western churches, Christian organizations, Christian leaders and Human Rights Watch, based on material from Western sources and interviews with a few western missionaries then living in Egypt.
The Azhar’s disciplinary board dismissed Dr. Mahmoud Hemaya, the head of the Da’wa Department in the Faculty of Usul Al-Din [Fundamentals of religion], in the Azhar University in Assiut. He was accused of defaming his honor the Grand Imam.
Last Tuesday, a delegation from the American Congress visited Assiut. The delegation was received by General Ahmed Hammam, the governor of Assiut, and a delegation of religious and political leaders in the Lillian Thrasher orphanage. The Egyptian delegation assured the visitors that "What is...
While the author was a student he was acquainted with a lot of Christians who were studying with him in the same apartment because they were in the same year. It was noticed that no one was shy of the other. They used to discuss everything freely. Suddenly, they discovered that there are...
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