Displaying 31 - 40 of 44.
The Egyptian press continues to focus on the health condition of the ailing head of the Coptic Orthodox Church who celebrated the 36th anniversary of his consecration in the See of Saint Mark.
Four Egyptian editors have been sentenced to a one-year jail sentence with hard labor and given fines for publishing false information about President Husnī Mubārak suffering from a serious health condition to undermine national security. The following report discusses the reactions of the four...
A group of Coptic Orthodox laymen held a conference in which participants proposed new rules for choosing the patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church. The list of rules is meant to replace those that were issued in 1957. They suggested that the future patriarch be a married layman. The church and...
In the article, the bishop of Samālūt, Bishop Paphnotius., responds to al-Maydān’s article, in which it claims that a book about raising the performance of the church has been banned following a papal order. The book is entitled, Hatmīyah al-Nuhūd bi-al-‘Amal al-Kanasī’ [the Necessity of Raising...
Egyptian security forces recently launched a massive drive against leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood, since group-related students gave a military style rally in the Azhar University a few months ago [AWR, week 51, 2006, article 26]. Members of the group say that the crackdown aims at removing the...
The article talks about Nawāl al-Sa‘dāwī’s works that attack God and religion, and her false claims.
This review deals with the controversy still blazing over the split of clergyman Max Michel from the mother Coptic Orthodox Church, and his establishment of Qur’ān independent church and a holy synod for Copts in Egypt and the Middle East.
CSI’s focus on defending the religious freedom of persecuted Christians seems to lead them to very quickly interpret any incident, or rumor of an incident, as persecution. As a response, the author suggests that, rather than sending protest letters to the respective governments, international...
Contrary to the expectations of many, the muftī of the republic, Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘a has apologized for not participating in the newly-formed Interfaith Dialogue Committee affiliated with the Azhar’s Islamic Research Academy.
A copy of the Group for Democratic Development and Andalus Institute for Tolerance and Anti-Violence Studies’ report on the Alexandria sectarian riots in October 2005.


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