Displaying 11 - 20 of 59.
The author examines the intertwined history of the Coptic language and the introduction of Arabic in Egypt, underlining the influence that both have had on the history of Egypt.
Dr. Mīnā Badī‘ ‘Abd al-Malik gives a brief history of the Orthodox Church.
Students at the University of North Carolina are required to read Michael Seller?s "Approaching the Qur?an: The Early Revelations," for their summer reading program. Some conservative Christian organizations brought an action against the university in an attempt to prevent teaching the book....
Excerpts from the Washington report on the outcome of the last congressional elections with regards to the number of women, blacks and Jews.
The article discusses the passing of Father Antonious Henein, highlighting his achievements in his personal life and the contributions he made to furthering the Coptic Orthodox Church, both in Egypt, and in North America.
The author discusses the incident of six imams being removed from U.S. Airways flight 300. Was it a case of misjudgment, or were the six men actually planning an attack?
The Grand Imām stressed to the Gouvernor-General of Australia that Islām is against terrorism in all its forms. In other news, Pope Shenouda ratified the formation of new directorates for the Egyptian Coptic churches in the United States.
The Egyptian press paid special attention to the situation Muslims in America and Europe are now facing as a result of the attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, which were claimed to be executed by Arab Muslim extremists. Although Muslims in America condemned the attacks, they...
FatherAntonius Hanīn, the dignified priest of Mār Marqus Church in Los Angeles, passed away on November 16, 2006.
The British Home Secretary declared that the British government intends to enforce certain procedures to protect Muslims and to face terrorism in all its forms. He added that the government was examining draft laws stating that spreading racial hostility is considered to be a criminal act.


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