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12 Jan,2015
12 Dec,2014
12 Dec,2014

(4 days 20 min)

Anbā Ermiā, Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center (COCC), announced solidarity with the statement by Dr. Osāma al-Azharī, the president’s advisor for religious affairs, regarding the controversial Takwīn foundation.
Dr. Osāma al-Azharī, the president’s advisor for religious affairs, said it was causing him and other pious Muslims significant discomfort, to hear calls for recognizing only the Holy Qurʾān and denying the Sunnah, which is an established precept of...
Writer and intellectual Yūsuf Zīdān announced that he has accepted an invitation to debate with Shaykh Osāma al-Azharī, a renowned scholar of al-Azhar and the president’s religious advisor.
Researcher Islām al-Buḥayrī, a member of the board of trustees of the Takwīn foundation, said the foundation has respect for all religions and has never been in conflict with al-Azhar or the church.
Atheists deny the existence of a God and believe that this universe has come about without a creator. They affirm that material and substance are eternal and everlasting and presume that they have created themselves.