Displaying 101 - 110 of 144.
The review takes up varied opinion articles in the Egyptian and Arab press about the statements of Pope Benedict XVI of the Roman Catholic Church in which he purportedly attacked Islam and the Prophet Muhammad in a lecture he gave in a German university.
A review of the statements made in response to statements made by Pope Benedict XVI of the Vatican in Germany which sparked anger from many Arab and Islamic countries as well as from Muslim communities in Europe. Calls were made for a clear official apology.
Dr Hulsman analyses the lecture of Pope Benedict, noting that the text showed that his lecture was unfortunate but the translation made it even worse. The report notes several translation mistakes from the original German text to English. The Arabic texts were then translations of the English....
The paper examines the history of Christian Zionism, an active movement that strenuously supports Israel, and which is particularly strong in the U.S.
The attacks of September 11 affected the American religious discourse. There is a tendency to believe that what happened to America reflected God’s anger on that nation because of the immoral life it leads. A second trend agrees with the first one in its concentration on moral issues, but differs...
Bush was asked at a press conference if he believes that Muslims worship the same God Christians worship. He answered that freedom is God´s gift to every person, and that he believes Muslims worship the same God Christians worship. Bush´s statement caused an uproar. Evangelical Christian...
The writer provides the reasons behind the increasing of the percentage of the Americans that believe Islam´s followers urge violence.
Open letter to US President George W. Bush claiming Christian girls in Egypt are kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam. The president is asked to interfere and if he does not, his “Christian posturing is nothing more than "showboating" for the next election.” This was the text Abdallah Kamal of...
Christian leaders in the US hosted a conference the day before yesterday in which they criticized the anti-Islam statements of some pastors, such as, Franklin Graham, Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell. They believe that such statements lead to more hostility and stress the importance of renewing...
Muslims working in the Pentagon expressed their anger at the fact that Rev. Franklin Graham, who described Islam as an evil religion, has been invited to give a sermon on


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