Displaying 11 - 14 of 14.
In an interview with Rose al-Yūsuf, prominent Muslim thinker Dr. ‘Abd al-Sabūr Shāhīn speaks out on the truth behind the dispute between Shī‘ah and Sunnīs over disrespect of the Prophet’s companions.
‘Abd Allāh Kamāl spots the danger threatening Egypt and other Sunnī countries heading towards converting to Shī‘ah.
This review presents the opinions of some intellectuals about offensive articles written against the Prophet’s companions. Some consider this to be an unforgivable sin, others refer to the Shī‘ah-Sunnī differences as a reason for it.
A supplement published by the mouthpiece of the Ghad Party, al-Ghad newspaper, entitled "The worst 10 figure in Islamic history," has provoked strong public reaction and led Islamic lawyer, Mamdūh Ismā‘īl, to sue the newspaper. The list of names included some of the prophet’s companions and ‘...


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