Displaying 11 - 20 of 24.
The article discusses claims about evangelization campaigns taking place in Jordan.
A Somali-born member of the Dutch parliament, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, quits over her inaccurate asylum application.
After the recent case of a Muslim man, who attempted to convert to Christianity in Afghanistan, the author argues that Germany has a responsibility to stand up for Afghan’s human rights.
Thieves, corrupt and unemployed people who look for an easy life in the luxurious European countries ask for political asylum with the claim that they are persecuted in Egypt. The reasons for their alleged persecution are homosexuality, female circumcision and changing religion.
A report following discussions with young Copts in Germany claiming they had been discriminated and persecuted in Egypt.
This text was reproduced in the Copts Daily Digest, July 31, 2002 where it was spotted by Sout Al-Umma. Small interviewed former Muslim Maged El Shafie in Toronto. The RNSAW provides a comment. It is highly unlikely Small has investigated any of the claims of El Shafie.
The story of a Muslim youth who converted to Christianity was published on a Web site run by Copts. The story was taken from a Canadian magazine and was also published in American newspapers to confirm the American claims concerning the persecution of Copts in Egypt.
The Center for Arab-West Understanding (CAWU) is regularly asked about the claims of Christian refugee seekers. This time the request came from Benoأ®t Forget, an analyst in a Belgian refugee office, for information about Christian asylum seekers from Egypt. CAWU is able to answer his questions...
Arab Christians are trapped between the hammer of terrorists groups and extremists, and the anvil of fanatic governments that skillfully manipulate the issue of religious radicalism for their own benefit [Editor: what governments does Magdi Khalil refer to?], while reinforcing religious, ethnic and...
The author believes that emigrant Copts want to cause a religious riot between the church and the government and to shake the stability of the nation, for the benefit of the Jewish lobby. He stressed that there is no religious persecution in Egypt and that the claims pertaining to Copts facing...


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