Displaying 1 - 10 of 11.
The legal case to strip Egyptian citizenship from [several] people associated with the Muslim Brotherhood who have fled to Turkey has sped up. The first circuit of Egypt’s Administrative Judicial Court has decided to refer the suit to the State Commissioners Authority, which will prepare a legal...
The Egyptian President Muhammad Mursī, has issued major decisions considered by many to be revolutionary.
Dār al- Iftā’ believes that the call of the member of the guidance bureau of the Muslim Brotherhood Abd al- Rahmān al- Bir to his group “to carry out jihad against those who attack you” is a direct incitement for killing and corruption of the land and spreading fitnah (strife).
Interviewers: Quinta Smit and Eline Kasanwidjojo Language of interview: English, Arabic Interpreter: Dr. Wafāʾ Ḥafnī Transcript: not mentioned Approved: Requested and no objection received   Dr. Wafāʾ Hafnī, Dr. Sanā’ and Dr. Ishtihād; granddaughter and daughters of Ḥasan al-Bannā give personal...
Interviewer: Eline Kasanwidjojo Interpreter: Aḥmad Ibrāhīm Language: Arabic (original interview), English (presented transcript) Transcript: Eline Kasanwidjojo Approval: Requested and no objection   Muḥammad ʿAbd Allah (32) is one of the founders of the FJP Ḥizb al-Ḥurriya w-al-ʿAdāla [Freedom and...
Ayman Muḥammad Rabīʿ al-Ẓawāhirī is a Muslim who claims that he is committed to bring the golden age of the caliphate back, and advocates a violent means of jihād to achieve his objectives. His own native country Egypt, along with many other countries, considers him a terrorist. During the 1990s,...
Dr. Muḥammad al-Biltājī, a member of the People’s Assembly from the Muslim Brotherhood, said the protests in Qina that demand change of a Christian governor to a Muslim one were a criminal hooligan act.
Contrary to what was reported yesterday, today’s press reported that the Muslim Brotherhood general guide is still occupying his position and will remain the general guide until the end of his mandate at the end of January.
The General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood has resigned for the first time in the history of the group.
Rose al-Yūsuf continues to reveal the Muslim Brotherhood’s plans to control the educational institution and have more influence over students.


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