Displaying 41 - 50 of 54.
A large number of the Azhar scholars have expressed their disapproval of the visit of Dr. Sayyed Tantawi, Sheikh of Al-Azhar and Dr. Ahmed Omar Hashim, [Azhar] University president to occupied Palestine with an Israeli visa.
After being booted out of Al Azhar Medical College 11 years ago due to undergoing a sex change operation, Sally Mohammed Abdallah might be returning to classes there despite the prestigious university’s condemnation of her operation.
The author quotes extensively from imam al-Baqouri who was known for his positive attitudes towards Christians.
Among the leading opponents to what Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud is saying about the non-existence of the intercession of the Prophet Muhammed and the rejection of the Sunna is Dr. Ahmed Omar Hashem, president of the prestigious Azhar University. In this interview with Al-Musawwar he tried to answer all...
Clearly expressing his views about three Muslim sects, a sheikh from Al-Azhar is accused of speaking irreverently of them. Angry reactions from the followers of these sects range from calling for apologies to the taking his life ’as the only decent reply to his disrespect of their beliefs.
In an unprecedented event in Europe, an Islamic academy has recently been established in Austrian capital, Vienna. The opening ceremony was attended by the Minister of Awqaf (religious endowments) Dr. Hamdy Zaqzouq, President of Al-Azhar University Dr. Ahmed ’Omar Hashim, in addition to the...
It seems that extremist groups have managed to infiltrate again into university using the atmosphere of freedom. They are trying to impose their extreme ideas by stopping all the activities of university students.
The fate of the new Personal Status Law depended over the last few days on the juridical approval of Sheikh Al-Azhar, Dr. Mohammed Sayed Tantawi. The law was amended in a series of meetings of the Jurisprudence Research Committee affiliated to Mogamma` Al-Buhouth Al-Islameyya (Islamic Research...
Ahmed Omar Hashim accused an Egyptian TV serial of doing harm to Muslim scholars.
The Grand Imam of the Azhar is a respectable scholar and a shrewd jurist who opens his heart to different opinions. He welcomes a dialogue with anyone on condition that he sticks to the rules of dialogue.


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