Displaying 1 - 10 of 10.
Cornelis Hulsman, AWR, CIDT, and CAWU co-founder re-locates to Europe, remains editor-in-chief of AWR, in forward-looking period of change and renewal.
The Editorial Board prepared detailed selection criteria for Arab-West Report. Users are invited to comment on these criteria as they still can be changed until February 1, 2003. The selection criteria should reflect the needs and interests of our readers.
Changes in the selection criteria for AWR.
The year report of 2001 including an overview of the special reports written for the RNSAW. The year 2001 was marked by a strong increase in the number of special reports, providing readers with information that is not available elsewhere.
Arab-West Report presented the draft text of the findings of its staff to Compass Direct. Compass Direct responded on November 21 with “We consider your condemnation as both unwarranted and unjustified. We stand by the story.” Compass Direct refused to provide further explanations. This made the...
The Editorial Board has met on December 1 and December 21 and decided to ask Dr. Arne Fjeldstad, Dr. Mary Massoud and Dr. Amr Assad Khalil to join the Editorial Board. The board also discussed the membership of Dr. Mike Shelley and Ms. Dale Gavlak, who have both left Egypt, and decided to ask them...
Introducing AWR press reviews. Growing media attention for RNSAW work.
The RNSAW formed an editorial board in April 2000. In this document the editorial policy of the RNSAW is explained.
It is a battle between the supporters of enlightenment and the fronts declaring people apostates. It is between preachers of freedom and cultivators of extremism and between open minds and rigid minds that have been closed for centuries.
The paper congratulates President Hosni Mubarak on his creative initiative, in inviting a delegation from the New York Churches Council to visit Egypt and see for themselves the truth about their ill-meaning allegations of the presence of religious persecution or discrimination against the...
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