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A World Net Daily (WND) report alleging that a ring U.S. President Barack Obama wears on his left hand includes the Islamic and Arabic phrase, “There is no God but Allah,” has been making its way across social media and the blogosphere. The article cites an Obama critic and an Islamic scholar as...
Foreign Ministry: International intervention is delaying reconciliation and threatening to stop aid is ‘unacceptable’ The Foreign Ministry warned against trying to get international powers intervening in the Egyptian political crisis, saying that it would delay national reconciliation. This evening...
The report appealed to U.S. President Barack Obama not to ratify military assistance to Egypt before it makes sure the Egyptian government is using funds to draw up policies to protect religious freedoms and human rights in general in Egypt. The caretaker government allowed systematic, constant and...
U.S. Congresswoman Kay Granger, chairwoman of the Appropriations Foreign Operations sub-committee, has threatened that if Egypt withdraws from its peace treaty with Israel, Washington would cut its $2 billion annual aid package, which has been given to Egypt since the signing of the Cairo-Tel...
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