Displaying 11 - 20 of 36.
The Coptic Orthodox Church’s stance on the Palestinian cause is tied to the church’s stance on the Egyptian state.  If the pope agreed with the head of state, the church identified with its official position.  However, if the church didn’t agree with the state, then it took a stance inconsistent...
The ministerial committee concerned with licensing and legalizing the status of churches and Christian places of worship is still searching through the old papers of thousands of buildings. The total number of churches whose status was legalized increased to 1,882 churches and service buildings.
Pope Tawāḍrūs II had a phone call with Pope Francis on Sunday in celebration of the Day of Brotherly Love held on May 10th between the Coptic Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church. 
Amid the ongoing investigation by the prosecutor-general into allegations of rape, sexual harassment and blackmail made by dozens of women and girls against a young man named, Aḥmad Bassām Zakī, a woman belonging to the Coptic Orthodox Church in the US had revealed that she fell a victim to sexual...
On Saturday morning, the Standing Committee of the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church held a meeting via video conference led by Pope Tawāḍrūs II on the different rates of infections and deaths from one diocese to another, from severe, to moderate, to mild.
Bishop Bākhūm, the official spokesperson for the Catholic Church in Egypt, announced decisions made by the Catholic Synod to suspend Holy Week and Easter Day liturgies and limit these liturgies to church priests and deacons only.  Liturgies, however, will be broadcasted online for the rest of the...
Pope Tawāḍrūs II celebrated the Palm Sunday Mass in the Church of the Transfiguration in the monastery of Saint Bīshūy in Wādī al-Naṭrūn without the faithful audience.
The Cultural Dialogue Forum of the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services organized the seventh round of American-Egyptian dialogue in participation with Hands along the Nile Development Services (HANDS), the United Church of Christ, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the...
The academic committee for women’s first conference entitled “Violence against Women” came to a close Tuesday evening at the Monastery of the Holy Virgin at Daranka, Asyūṭ.  Bishop Lucas [Lūkās], bishop of Abnūb and al-Fatḥ, Bishop Yūʾanis, bishop of Asyūṭ, Bishop Thāʾūfīlus, bishop of Manfalūṭ,...
Bishop Aghāthūn, bishop of Maghāgha and al-ʿIdwah for Orthodox Copts announced the launching of a campaign on Facebook to fight what he described as false church teachings, innovation, modern heresies, and widespread misconceptions in several places through different means and channels.  All of...


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