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“Happiness is Double, in the Maulid (religious celebration)  of Sayyidnā al- Hussayn”, stated the followers of the Sufī tariqas in the Maulid of al- Hussayn, grandson of prophet Muhammad,  in expression of their happiness about of Sīsī’s success in the presidential elections. 
"The people of love stay alive even when they die” is a famous saying by Ibn al-Fāriḍ. This saying embodies the lived reality of millions of Egyptians, Muslims and Christians alike. Throughout Egypt, religious festivals have been held in the memory of prominent religious figures for hundreds of...
Cornelis Hulsman explains the events leading up to the September 9 celebration to mark the end of the Abū Fānā tensions. Hulsman was invited to attend by ‘Alā’ Hassānayn but eventually had to refuse the invitation because the reconciliation did not involve all the necessary parties.
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