Displaying 1 - 10 of 123.
Prominent Dutch humanitarian activist and friend of Arab-West Report Henk Glimmerveen passed away on May 1.[1] In February 2020, the Maadi Messenger asked me to write about how I have changed during the years that I have been involved in intercultural dialogue.[2] As I consider my life, Henk...
On April 17, 2019, Tunisian humanitarian activist Ms. Rekaya al-Hafi [Ruqaiyya al-Ḥāfī] met with Mr. Laurens van Doeveren, Libya expert of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This meeting had been prepared by Cornelis Hulsman of the Center for Arab-West Understanding. It was attended by Mr....
Editor AWR: The Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Translation (CIDT) is attracting a lot of young graduates who lack work experience. It is hard for young graduates who lack the network of a well-to-do family to find work. But once they have obtained work experience their changes on the labor...
Ayad Mossad [ʿAyyād Musʿad] discusses his time as foundation chairman of the Arab-West Report as well as some background information on his life. Accompanied is a contextual commentary included by Cornelis Hulsman.
A prominent bishop at the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church revealed that one of the reasons to exclude candidates for the Saint Mark chair will be “ill reputation”. [‘Abd al-Wahāb Sha’bān, al-Wafd, May 15, p. 1] Read text in Arabic
A prominent bishop at the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church revealed that one of the reasons to exclude candidates for the Saint Mark chair will be “ill reputation”. [‘Abd al-Wahāb Sha’bān, al-Wafd, May 15, p. 1] Read text in Arabic
The number of monks applied for the position rose to seven after Monks Bīshūy and Archpriest Maximus presented their papers and recommendations to the candidacy committee. [Mustafá Rahūmah, al-Watan, May 15, p. 4] Read text in Arabic
Political powers, parties and movements expressed reservations over the rate of representation of women, Copts and law experts included into the initial report by People’s Assembly Legislative Committee. [Khālid ‘Abd al-Rasūl and Ahmad Ghunaym, al-Watan, May 15, p. 4] Read original text in Arabic
A prominent bishop at the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church revealed that one of the reasons to exclude candidates for the Saint Mark chair will be “ill reputation”. [‘Abd al-Wahāb Sha’bān, al-Wafd, May 15, p. 1] Read text in Arabic
The number of monks applied for the position rose to seven after Monks Bīshūy and Archpriest Maximus presented their papers and recommendations to the candidacy committee. [Mustafá Rahūmah, al-Watan, May 15, p. 4] Read text in Arabic


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