Displaying 1 - 10 of 60.
Human rights activist and member of the Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms, Mīnā Thābit, uncovered that the Egyptian national security apparatus demanded a church to remove a marble plaque, commemorating the lives of those lost in front of the Maspero Television building in 2011.  The...
Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) director Bahī al-Dīn Ḥassan announced that the South Korean authorities would halt deportation procedures of the family of Mīnā Dāniyāl, a martyr of the “Maspero Massacre”, after detaining them for many hours at Incheon airport in Seoul.  The...
Several relatives of the suspects gathered outside the courthouse and affirmed that the suspects were innocent of any charges pressed against them. 
The Maspero Youth Union warned the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) against responding to the wishes of the Islamist groups to unilaterally set up a constituent committee to draft the constitution.
The prosecution ordered the arrest of eight more suspects on charges of involvement in the October 9 Maspero incidents that left 27 people killed and 350 others wounded. 
In al-Shurūq al-Jadīd, it was reported that the Supreme State Security Prosecution decided to add 24 suspects more to the list of persons involved in the October 9 incidents in Maspero area that claimed the lives of 27 people and left 350 others wounded.
With the bells of church bells and tears of mourning.. Yesterday the Coptic Orthodox Church commemorated the first memorial of the martyrs of the Masspero incident.  
Rūmānī Jād al-Rabb, a Coptic activist and Vice-Chairman of the al-Kalima (Word) for Human Rights, accused officials of “foot-dragging” on bringing to justice the persons involved in the October 9, 2011 clashes outside the state TV & radio building in Maspero, which left more than 20 people...
One year has passed since the Maspero massacre took place and still the question of who killed the protesters is not answered. Unfortunately, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) was silent and did not reveal the outcome of investigations, which brought the army to be depicted as the...
Thousands of citizens participated in a march that encompassed representatives from 40 political parties and movements and revolutionary groups from Shubrā to Maspero Tuesday (October 9) on the first anniversary of the “Maspero massacre” that left 27 protesters dead and hundreds others injured...


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